This episode is about the horror of what we want to discuss as humanity, but that we all suffer from; the rituals of the Satanic worship. We cover who does it, what they do, and how we can raise our…
Discover a useful catchphrase “The Dagger Of Goodwill” that isolates the worldwide trend of someone or some organization trying to usurp your kindness for their financial benefit. From horrible healthcare written by the insurance and medical industry, to mind-numbing vaccines,…
Are you intense and your friends and family don’t get it? Then this episode is for you. If you’re success-driven, this is for you. We cover how to deal with resistance on many levels. How to identify allies and enemies…
We know they’re spying on us. We know it’s illegal, but do we know exactly how they do it? In this episode, we cover numerous methods that are both obvious and completely unspoken. Find out why it’s important to protect…
Do aliens exist? Was Roswell real? In this episode, we discuss several aspects of the entire issue. Did we get technology from alien spacecraft? Is Planet X real? Along with personal accounts of potential alien contact, and eyewitness testimony from…
Is the economy going to collapse? What should you do? What can we do to STOP this madness? This episode covers vital strategies to end this nightmare boom and bust cycle forever.
Join us this episode as we discuss the ever-evolving war on gender. From banning words like “Boy” and “Girl” from schools, and toy stores, to killing art that allows one to learn who they are.
Corporations are taking over the world one step at a time, but most folks aren’t putting it together. This is a session designed to heighten your awareness before we lose all our freedoms and sovereignty to the takeover.
Join us this episode as we discuss many aspects that fuel the disciplines that give up domain over our own lives. From setting goals to finding passion, to executing all the above using discipline. Dispel black and white myths about…
Join us in this episode as we discuss our perceptions of good and evil and how we can heighten our awareness of both to create a better world for all.