Category: NASA

DTR S6: NASA Feelings

When we externalize our identity, we place our sense of self-worth and definition in the hands of external events and the perceptions of others. This dependency can lead to a fragile self-identity that is constantly influenced and potentially disrupted by…

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DTR S6: ISS Real or Hoax?

Virtually all the footage from the International Space Station has some tell-tell sign that the people in the videos are not in space. So what gives? In this episode, we review all the modules, their purposes and the official explanations…

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DTR S6: Moon Hoax Recap Part Deux 2024

Given the sheer volume of information to review, here is a part two of the discussion I hope you enjoy.

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DTR S6: Moon Hoax Recap 2024

Bart Sibrel continues his quest to wake up the world to the truth. We review many aspects of the best smoking guns. Enjoy.

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DTR S5: Moon Preparations (Archive)

Pulled from the archives. This episode had major technical issues. Hopefully the content is valuable.

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DTR S6: Destination Moon Hoax

Each year since 1969 brings in a celebration of an event that never really occurred. As time passes, the masses are waking up to the deception that was always a part of these organizations. As scientists wanted to brag about…

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DTR S6 Bonus: Moon Psychology & Apollo 13

The subject of the Moon hoax rattles some folks down to their core. They either intentionally or unintentionally avoid the conversation through evasion or threatening behavior. In this episode, we review this phenomenon and some of the indicators that Apollo…

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DTR S6 Bonus: Aren’T-Minus

Here we go, another fake mission to the Moon. The Artemis 1 is just another attempt to salvage an old Space Shuttle platform and claim that it can suddenly escape Earth’s gravitational force and get the Moon. Suddenly, rockets can…

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DTR S6 Bonus: Rockets Don’t Work in Space

For decades we’ve bought the Hollywood NASA definition of rockets working in space. The more we’ve had time to look at the physics, we’ve suddenly realized this was always a lie. In this episode, we examine this simple lie. Enjoy.

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