Category: Matrix

DTR S6 EP 532: Sub ID Reality

A 201 follow-up from consensus reality. In this episode, we examine what would happen is the layers of consciousness operated on reality at different levels. 

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DTR S6 EP 529: History is the Matrix

Our entire perception of reality second to second is our record of history. From who you are to where you came from, history controls all. In this episode, we examine the impact and value of accurate history. Enjoy.

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DTR S6 EP 518: Colliding Realities

Many papers have been written presenting mathematical theories of parallel realities and alternate quantum wavelengths to account for infinity folds in space time, but few offer any view into a world where colliding realities may indeed constitute all of our…

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DTR S6 EP 515: Matrix Gods

What if we’re in a Matrix? Then who are we praying to? If there is a Matrix, then who created it? It is safe to assume we are the engineers? Is this why we illogically float UP after death? In…

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DTR S6 EP 507: Observable Reality

We know that thinking for yourself is considered the greatest sin of the Deep State. As we attempt to identify mechanisms that are slipped into our lives, denying our observable reality is one of those methods. In this episode, we…

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DTR EP 494: Parallel Realities

As time passes one begins to notice subtle patterns within the projected consciousness of reality. Thin cracks that ebb split second visions of other words. Acknowledged, the strobes of another world leak into our reality revealing what appears to be…

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DTR Ep 474: Does Space Exist? P2

One of the most common comments and festering conspiracies is the existence of space. In this episode, we take a closer look at the factors. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 469: Matrix Programming

Let’s say we live in a Matrix. What would it mean to be a developer in this realm? In this episode, we examine what a programmer of the Matrix would have to construct. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 460: Intelligence Threshold

Could the universe or matrix have limits to which it will allow human development? Are we sanctioned like hosts in Westworld not to see things that will threaten their ability to keep us in this experiment? In this episode, we…

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DTR Ep 436: Dimensional Realities

Could we live in a single instance of an infinite universe? How would that work? What would that mean to our daily lives? In this episode, we examine the implications and causality of such an idea. Enjoy.

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