Category: Social

DTR Ep 119: Cognitive Dissonance

The act of allowing two conflicting concepts to both remain true. It is the means to end that the controlling forces of this world use to get us to accept that which is unacceptable. We need to identify that there…

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DTR Ep 115: Existentialism

Who are you? What are you? Are you a mortal coil? Or are you consciousness? What is reality? Who controls it? What if you did? What if you’ve always controlled reality, but no one told you, because the entire planet…

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DTR Ep 109: The Apocalypse

A subject that comes up a lot on today’s fear laden world is an apocalypse. The world has a new subculture of “preppers” getting ready for doomsday. But what is an apocalypse? Is it manmade terror? Is it a natural…

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DTR Ep 105: The Age Of Robotics

The Age Of Robotics has been upon us for decades, but it’s about to go into overdrive. Are we ready? Have we had the basic conversations about how these additions to our lives might impact our development as humans? In…

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DTR Ep 96: Morality

Modern societies have lost their moral mojo. We celebrate paths of demise in the name of social freedoms. We do this without considering for a moment the impact of an unchecked collection of moral vectors. We want society to make…

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DTR Ep 95: Subspecies

The world is being divided chemically and socially into two distinct subspecies. From those who believe everything they are told, to those who are poisoned, there are factions and individuals working together to remove our ability to be who we…

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DTR Ep 94: Double Standards

The once truthful world has been diluted by those who use deception to govern. The intellectual bullies of the world attempt to use political correctness and societal standards to guilt us into conformity. However, the counter standards hover before our…

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DTR Ep 92: Stockholm Syndrome

A large sector of society is being held captive by their loyalties to false paradigms. This is called Stockholm Syndrome. In this episode, we look at many of the dangerous alliances and loyalties to this process. We must heighten our…

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DTR Ep 87: Predictive Programming

The powers that be want to convince you that they can predict your behavior to the extent they will have the right to apprehend you in the middle of the night and charge you with crimes you’re going to commit….

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DTR Ep 86: Law Of Attraction

This episode is about aligning your thoughts with the frequency of success that you desire most. In the past, we’ve concluded that gaining a vivid grasp of where we are now is how to get to a new location of…

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