DTR Ep 457: Sharing Our Lives

[Recording April 2nd, 2019] Each of us are unique and thus the requirements to share our lives with others is always a labyrinth of discovery. In this episode, we examine the many factors of this process. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 456: Going Offworld

We hear and see it all the time in movies and television shows. The concept of leaving Earth to live on some off world planet. In this episode, we have fun exploring the notion of what this entails. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 455: Believable Science

We are duped every day with claims from “theoretical” scientists struggling to get their grant money and remain relevant. This practice augmented by the power of the internet has reduced classical science into a religion of lies that pump Agenda…

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DTR Ep 454: Cancel Culture

The key to destroying a well built society is to convince its residents to hate all that is good and to love all that is evil. The aimless and lost young have dedicated themselves to doing just this in lieu…

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DTR Ep 453: How Old is Reality?

We all derive our belief in the age of reality from hearsay from the subjects around us. We must TRUST what we are told about all things. In this episode, we examine just how fragile this process is and how…

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DTR Ep 452: CG Imagery

The world of Computer Generated Imagery or CGI has dominated our perception of reality, but most of the population knows next to nothing about what it is. In this episode, we take a tour of how this tech came to…

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DTR Ep 451: Spontaneous Combustion

The subject humans spontaneously bursting into flames and seemingly burning completely away has been the subject of history since the 1400s. Today fire chiefs can’t explain how an entire skeleton burns to ashes in just 20 minutes when a crematorium…

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DTR Ep 450: Managing Patterns

All of our lives devolve into patterns. Big loops and microscopic loops that consume our existence. In many cases we build up immunity to ignore the mundane repetition. However, with a little technique, these loops can be rearranged and redesigned…

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DTR Ep 449: Thinking Big

Often times in life we just need a push in the right direction. In this episode, we take another peak at what thinking big is all about. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 448: Our Future

We are at a crossroads for planet Earth. The globalists are waging war on the common man and it’s our time to fight back and fight back strong. In this episode, we examine many of the factors leading us up…

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