Ever wonder how a person who recovers from a coma can suddenly know a new language? Or speak their language in a different dialect? In this episode, we look at a method that incorporates our true soul identity. Enjoy.
For most, the California fires have reached a frequency and absurdity that points to government creation and extortion of Federal funds by any means necessary to pay for Agenda 21 sanctuary cities and other horrific programs that rob the sunshine…
This is a debate that should be raging. The evidence against is astronomical, but the hoaxes continue to be manufactured, buried, dug up, hidden, cast, then copies are placed in museums to advance a fake area of “Science” hatched by…
As we continue to look at the Moon hoax from different angles, this episode reduces the issues down to platform technologies that are often explained with loose facts and otherwise concealed blackbox technologies. It is time we demand proof of…
Many of us follow various conspiracies that are plaguing our planet, but the single most devastating conspiracy that binds all the rest into one GIANT plan is Agenda 21 now known as Agenda 2030. In this episode, we scratch the…
After getting a call that a legendary relative of mine passed, I made this episode to record my thoughts and emotions regarding life and death. Enjoy.
Every story has an era, and that era dictates the overall consciousness of your story. In this episode, we explore the various elements that communicate those elements, and those that can never be put back in the bottle. Enjoy.
Video games today are all over the place. A once rich and centralized place to find quality entertainment is riddled with second rate micro-transaction knock-offs that fail to deliver. In this episode, we examine why this might be the sad…
We are all effected by it, yet we seldom discuss how it works with others. In this episode, we examine the power that is removed when we’re jealous and the empowerment we gain once we focus 100% on our own…
The business of private space industry is ramping up with companies like Space X taking a lion share of the spoils while promising outrageous claims. Elon Musk was to walk on Mars personally in 2018. NASA says they’re going “back”…