DTR Ep 394: Social Credit System

China is taking advantage of their Communistic rule to install a surveillance state’s wet dream, the Social Credit System. Neighbor will spy on neighbor. Complete sellouts will have a platform to persecute sovereign citizens. Orwell is on the tee, and…

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DTR Ep 393: The Basics of Screenwriting

All of you have a story inside you. I want to see that story. In this episode, I share my methods of writing a screenplay to get you started. Buy Robert McKee’s book Story and learn from the true master….

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DTR Ep 392: They Live the Movie

In November of 1988, a movie released called “They Live.” Based on a short story called “Eight O’Clock in the Morning” by Ray Nelson, John Carpenter created a film that he referred to as a documentary. In this episode, we…

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DTR SR: The 17 Movement

Is Q-Anon real? Or a LARP? Does it matter if his/her intent is to make people think for themselves? Is it protected by design from ever flipping into evil? In this episode, we examine the various factors of what has…

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DTR Ep 391: Having Skin in the Game

Everyone wants to wake up with zero responsibilities to their fellow man. Unfortunately, we have started to realize the need for great change. We cannot rely on everyone else taking care of us. We must stand up and be that…

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DTR Ep 390: Gravity for Deniers

As our trust in formal science wanes with its rebranding as a religion of all things misinformation, the effect of gravity and what causes it is being denied by many. In this episode, we review the fundamental principles that were…

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DTR Ep 389: Are UFOs Official?

The Pentagon finally used the term UFO in their latest report on the subject. What does this mean for society? Are they aliens from outer space or natural anomalies made from nature? In this episode, we review the claims and…

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DTR Ep 388: Indoctrination Stations

We are surrounded by THEIR kiosks barking propaganda 24/7. Airports, gas stations, grocery stores, you name it. Wherever we are outlets take free TVs to broadcast control narratives for cash prizes. In this episode, we examine that which must be…

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DTR Ep 387: Eating Aether (2 of 2)

A follow-up episode to the “Aether Becomes Us” we further dive into what the reality of being made of Aether and then consuming various foods made of the same Aether. Which are healthy? Which aren’t? And why? Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 386: Aether Becomes Us (1 of 2)

The particle that comprises all reality is ever fluent in the universe. It never ceases its movement. We are made of this particle and so is everything else. In this episode, we examine what this means as humans on a…

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