From the void all things come. In this episode we look at a theory outlined by philosopher Jean Baudrillard that voids are necessary to fuel the need for change. Instead of boredom, there is light. Enjoy.
The subject of evolution being hijacked by aliens is a common one. In this episode, we examine the implications of evolution verses creationism with the insertion of alien gene splicing. Enjoy.
Societies need codes of conduct, yet where do we get them without things religion? Where are the taught in schools? In this episode we study the responsibilities we have as man to develop, protect, and educate these codes to each…
Evidence contradicts all man-made religions, and if we have the courage to accept this reality, what do we do with the void? In this episode, we review several aspects of what it means to be free from religion. Enjoy.
Reality is built from frequencies. In this episode, we discuss the possible organic and intentional methods by which reality might be created or destroyed. Enjoy.
We mention it all the time, but do we really ever discuss it in any detail? In this episode, we explore the strategic resource to love and humanity known as empathy. Enjoy.
Money is sovereignty. Sovereignty is money. Without cash in hand, you are relegated to a vulturous cabal of bankers that will completely and utterly control your life. In this episode we discuss the movements in motion right now to demonize…
Is reality real? Or a dream? When we dream, do we really have bodies? Or are we simply simulating them when the story demands? In this episode, we examine the elements of dreaming to determine whether or not reality is…
The mysterious crash of 1947 in Roswell New Mexico on July 8th, 1947 has allured citizens and scientists for decades, but did it really happen? What is the evidence to support the story? In this episode we take a deep…
The world is awakening to all things. Those who wish to control us are losing control. The snowball is rolling down hill and gaining speed. In this episode we discuss the progress being made in the Truth movement, and considerations…