DTR Ep 37: Left And Right Brain

Your life is ruled by your brain’s ability to engage the right and left hemispheres of your consciousness. Let’s explore how to best communicate with both.

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DTR Ep 36: Thinking

Today we explore the difference between memorizing and repeating and actual thinking.

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DTR Ep 35: Money

This episode covers the mental regiment and eternal constraints of living for money verses life. We discuss where money comes from, how methods developed over history, the historical capture of America by the banking cartels of Europe, and one method…

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DTR Ep 33: Creativity

In this episode, we delve into some of the techniques of identifying creative streams of consciousness and how to harness them for your own enlightenment. Enjoy!

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DTR Ep 32: Self

The key to happiness is the understanding of self. The Ego. The ID. How does one contact the inner self? Sense its presence? Develop communication with it? This episode looks at the basics of such mechanisms. We hope you enjoy…

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DTR Ep 31: Energy

This episode discusses the many frauds around guilt-tripping society when it comes to energy choices. We discuss all standard forms of energy creation, the true source of oil, and the notoriously brilliant Stanley Meyers who invented and successfully installed a…

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DTR Ep 30: Magna Carta

You aren’t who you think you are. You don’t have the rights you think you have. There is a history to this lunacy, and this episode is about that history. Join us as we trace the evolution of man’s faceplant…

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DTR Ep 29: How To Get A Job

Join us in this episode as Mark reveals several of his secrets on how to get a job. From preparing your resume to preparing your mind, everything you need to boost your career is in this episode. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 28: Shills

Join us in this episode as we explore exactly what a shill is and how they do what they do. If you’re a truther and trying to protect the information you gather from folks that work for the agendas that…

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DTR Ep 27: Ancient Egypt

Join us this episode as we cover some of the intriguing factors of ancient Egypt. From the Pyramids being giant power stations, to the evolution of hieroglyphs, to some of the methods to suppression world history. Enjoy!

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