Day: February 9, 2020

DTR Ep 468: Living Forever

We don’t talk about it, but every sentient being considers the idea of living forever. In this episode, we examine what that journey might look like. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 467: Future Lies

The formula to control society is to threaten it with the future. Religion has done this for centuries, but now the ruling class have taken it to a whole new level. From climate change or global warming to NASA trying…

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DTR Ep 466: Weather Manipulation

Weather manipulation is a registered patented FACT. However, the world is yet to accept patents that a were awarded in 1948. The illusion of random weather is just that. We are being torn apart by false claims of “global warming”…

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DTR Ep 465: Roleplaying Games

The world of roleplaying games is vast and enlightening. In this episode, we examine why. Enjoy.

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