Day: September 29, 2019

DTR Ep 410: Moon Hoax: Moon & Back

This is the final part of a two part series in Season 5 to analyze the absurd fake “Science” that continues to be pushed on society. America never went to the Moon. SpaceX is now focused on Mars exclusively to…

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DTR Ep 409: Big Dreams

We are told that dreams only last a microsecond, but feel like hours. Yet, many of use dream all throughout the night and early morning. We wake up, check our phones, go to the restroom, and re-enter right were we…

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DTR Ep 408: Fearing AI

We are being taught to fear the unknowns around Artificial Intelligence. However, the experts disagree who aren’t working for the deep state. They know the technology merely emulates the depths of the software engineers that made them. In this episode,…

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