Category: Entertainment
One of the most common comments and festering conspiracies is the existence of space. In this episode, we take a closer look at the factors. Enjoy.
We’ve all been lied to. Yet, so few conversations ever discuss the dynamics of the problem. In this episode, we examine how liars work, how to avoid them, and how to deal with their ways if you’re forced. Enjoy.
Sometimes we vapor lock because we realize that we’re not going to get everything that someone else promised us. In this episode, we look at the brighter reality that you can get the most important things in life if you…
NASA spends enough money a day to put 600 kids through a four-year college degree and yet the people benefit ZERO. That’s 219,000 kids a year having their college educations paid for. It’s time to call out their lies, shut…
Let’s say we live in a Matrix. What would it mean to be a developer in this realm? In this episode, we examine what a programmer of the Matrix would have to construct. Enjoy.
We don’t talk about it, but every sentient being considers the idea of living forever. In this episode, we examine what that journey might look like. Enjoy.
The formula to control society is to threaten it with the future. Religion has done this for centuries, but now the ruling class have taken it to a whole new level. From climate change or global warming to NASA trying…
Weather manipulation is a registered patented FACT. However, the world is yet to accept patents that a were awarded in 1948. The illusion of random weather is just that. We are being torn apart by false claims of “global warming”…
The world of roleplaying games is vast and enlightening. In this episode, we examine why. Enjoy.
The assassination of President Lincoln, John F Kennedy, Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr, and Robert F Kennedy was more than an isolated mystery. It was a change of the guard from the light to the dark. In this episode,…