Category: Entertainment

DTR Ep 200: Season Two Index

For those of you who haven’t seen the entire Season Two, this is a verbal description of each episode. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 199: Saving Humanity

Many of us think about it routinely, but without a method to address it. We want our world to be a better place. We want humanity to enjoy itself. In this episode, we examine methods to improve ourselves and confront…

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DTR Ep 198: Why Flat Earth?

Many folks believe the world exists on a flat disc surrounded by an ice barrier, but are we asking who would want this to be the case? Who stands to benefit from such a construct? Is there a mystery that…

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DTR Ep 197: Do Craters Exist? (Flat Earth)

Why do all the craters on the moon come in perfect circles? How could every single impact be perpendicular? The universe continues to gain mystery as we hive mind our findings together. In this episode, we examine whether or not…

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DTR Ep 196: Program Universe

The universe is running a program written by someone. Who wrote it? How is held together? What forces are in use by this program?

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DTR Ep 195: Toxins

The world is full of toxins that didn’t exist just 100 year earlier. Man has been convinced by corrupt medical institutions that every illness is natural and part of your bad DNA. In this episode, we expose the fraud and…

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DTR Ep 194: Whoroscopes

Who commands your destiny? Who commands your mind? You? Or a Horoscope? In this episode, we discuss the power of controlling your life and refraining from surrendering your life to arbitrary paradigms. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 193: Reincarnation

What is the sin of living life again? In this episode, we examine the basic principles about energy lacking any place to go, and that we are made from it. We examine the spirit verses the body, and suggest that…

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DTR Ep 192: Policies Of The Universe

The universe comes with limitations in its very design. In this episode, we refer to these limitations as intended policies of how the universe is intended to work. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 191: Meeting An Alien

We are often challenged with the notion of meeting and an alien when sitting our living rooms or theater seats, but have you ever really thought about what it would mean to actually come face-to-face with an alien. What would…

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