Category: Self Improvement

DTR S6 EP 537: Rearview Living

We all have a past. Most of us have suffered through trials and tribulations of all kinds. Some of us find it difficult to overcome these past events. However, it is important to find ways of analyzing these events and…

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DTR S6 EP 536: Getting Credit

A common thread throughout humanity is the need to be credited for what we do in life. It starts at the youngest age without provocation and continues until death, but why? Why has man been programmed with this need? In…

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DTR S6 EP 517: Poisonous Beliefs

For the first couple decades, we accumulate beliefs without caution. They are handed down by our families or absorbed from societal influences. In this day and age, beliefs are pushed from the state into the minds of infants to condition…

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DTR S6 EP 514: Putting Off Never

There is a slippery slope called “postponement.” Anything delayed gains an exponential chance of never happening. In this episode, we discuss the multitude of factors that contribute to this reality. Enjoy.

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DTR S6 Ep 509: Surviving the Times

The shift is upon us. Whether it be for evil or good, we are still to see. In this episode, we cover the many mental factors at play during this media war. Enjoy.

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DTR S5 Bonus: Feeling Comfortable Being You

A faction within our midst is attempting to keep each and every one of us from developing into our true being. The voices that are projected at us challenge our own internal choices of what is good for our environment…

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DTR Ep 486: Controlling the Vessel

We all want to think that we control every aspect of our mental, physical and spiritual existence. The truth is that we don’t, and no ever admits or warns us about this ongoing challenge at a young age. In this…

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DTR Ep 480: Life’s Rollercoaster

As this era continues to provide obstacles, it’s good to have methods to deal with the turmoil. In this episode, we review many angles. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 471: You Can’t Have Everything

Sometimes we vapor lock because we realize that we’re not going to get everything that someone else promised us. In this episode, we look at the brighter reality that you can get the most important things in life if you…

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