Category: Removed by YouTube

We have a backup channel with a full copy of our videos. YouTube has been removing our videos one-by-one due to the level TRUTH in them. Here is the list so far.

DTR Ep 19: Gender Wars

Join us this episode as we discuss the ever-evolving war on gender. From banning words like “Boy” and “Girl” from schools, and toy stores, to killing art that allows one to learn who they are.

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DTR Ep 18: Corporatism

Corporations are taking over the world one step at a time, but most folks aren’t putting it together. This is a session designed to heighten your awareness before we lose all our freedoms and sovereignty to the takeover.

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DTR Ep 15: Good & Evil

Join us in this episode as we discuss our perceptions of good and evil and how we can heighten our awareness of both to create a better world for all.

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DTR Ep 14: Are Chemtrails Real?

Join us in this episode as we revisit the validity of the chemtrail theories. Are they real? How do we know? What is the science behind airborne particulates?

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DTR Ep 9: Choosing Rules

Join us this episode as we discuss the challenges of making quality choices to develop a protocol for living life. Understand that we hang onto rule systems we choose as children without reevaluating those decisions once we become adults.

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