Category: Removed by YouTube

We have a backup channel with a full copy of our videos. YouTube has been removing our videos one-by-one due to the level TRUTH in them. Here is the list so far.

DTR Ep 376: How To Fight Cancer

Cancer is a man-made condition. The same corporations that poison you control your treatments. The industry is BIG money and the cures and nowhere in sight. In this episode, we review multiple regiments that have proven cures for thousands. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 366: What Are Facts?

As we attempt to wake up and speak from a position of pure truth, the burden arises to sift through the propaganda and disinformation. In this episode, we examine the relativity when it comes to what is considered a valid…

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DTR Ep 356: Is JFK Jr Alive?

For the last year, a rumor has been accumulating speed that the son of John F Kennedy, JFK Jr was required to fake his death to avoid a hit that had been put on his life for interfering with a…

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DTR Ep 355: The Strawman

In the eyes of the ruling class, you are not a human, you are a piece of paper, a “person” in corporate form. From birth, you are sold to the ruling class. Your birth certificate is a receipt of sale…

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DTR Ep 353: Planets & Flat Earth

For most of the sleeping population, planets are simply what they tell us in school. For folks that believe that the world is flat, the debate is yet to be solved. Are they globes in space put there by the…

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DTR Ep 352: Moon Hoax Issues

There is much to discuss around the Moon Hoax missions. Typically we only focus on the hoax itself. In this episode, we examine many of the surrounding thought processes and topics related to this problem. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 317: Nationalism

Soon to be a major hot button as the globalists push for their New World Order. They will demonize Nationalism endlessly. In this episode, we examine the argument. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep SR: The Great Awakening

The world is waking up. It’s taken a couple decades of global internet communication, but the effects are clearly evident now. In this episode, we review the Qanon movement and its relevance even if it turns out to be a…

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DTR SR: The Q Anon Moment

We all eagerly await the outcome of the Q Anon phenomenon, but how will the public react if even half of the claims are revealed? In this special report, we address the volatility of horrors being revealed to those who…

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DTR Ep 263: Legislated Beliefs

When a law is necessary to enforce a belief, we call that a lie.

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