Category: Removed by YouTube

We have a backup channel with a full copy of our videos. YouTube has been removing our videos one-by-one due to the level TRUTH in them. Here is the list so far.

DTR S6 EP 508: Their End Game

The world is going through a rite of passage. The ruling class are pushing forward with their Agenda 2030 plans like a freight train. Man is being tested. The world is being tested. In this episode, we examine what we…

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DTR EP 493: Know Your Enemies

Those against us never want to be known by us. They operate using “employees” to do their dirty work and in exchange they get to rape the world. It is time that we push aside those who serve the ruling…

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DTR EP 491: Low Vibration Humans

The slower the processor, the less information one can process. In this episode, we discuss the difference between red pilled minds and everyone else. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 484: Codex Alimentarius

They have been poisoning us for decades. A NAZI cabal founded the Trade Commission that turned into the World Trade Organization. Now they control your food. They deem vitamins toxins, and toxins as nutritious. In this episode, we examine how…

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DTR Ep 454: Cancel Culture

The key to destroying a well built society is to convince its residents to hate all that is good and to love all that is evil. The aimless and lost young have dedicated themselves to doing just this in lieu…

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DTR Ep 430: California Fires

For most, the California fires have reached a frequency and absurdity that points to government creation and extortion of Federal funds by any means necessary to pay for Agenda 21 sanctuary cities and other horrific programs that rob the sunshine…

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DTR Ep 427: Agenda 21/2030

Many of us follow various conspiracies that are plaguing our planet, but the single most devastating conspiracy that binds all the rest into one GIANT plan is Agenda 21 now known as Agenda 2030. In this episode, we scratch the…

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DTR Ep 417: The Growing Divide

The Deep State wants up divided. They want us battling each other instead of focusing on the prize of freedom and liberty. In this episode, we examine the current hotspots where this is most regrettable. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 414: Forced Inhumanity

We are surrounded by ignorant humans who have been scared into our demise. Some who lack the ability to process Truth, have elected to join the human hating mob in a race to our extinction. In this episode, we examine…

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DTR Ep 413: Talking to God

We are taught to immediate frown on the notion of speaking to God. Not in prayer, but in normal conversation. We are taught to fear our creator instead of embracing Him. In this episode, we examine the potential realities of…

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