The idea that a weapon could be used to disrupt the atomic forces of any material is solid fact. In this episode, we examine one of the most popular theories that these weapons were used on a particular day in…
America, like many countries, had balance in the recent past. As of the 21st century, we have lost our way and created injured citizens that are being led to the slaughter of senseless poverty and suffering. In this episode (recorded…
In this episode, we slow down time and analyze the process of recognizing and implementing forgiveness. Enjoy.
Did aliens create man? If so, how did they do it? Were the Egyptians the first protohumans? In this episode, we examine the logic behind this assertion and theorize about how they might have gone about this amazing moment of…
Hollywood has speculated for decades about the appearance of aliens should they ever choose to stop by, but what would they really look like? Can we take a logical approach to the guessing game? In this episode, we examine the…
One of the most coveted processes in Hollywood is the art of screenwriting. Those that know how to do it don’t share. Those that can’t desperately try to figure it out. In this episode, we break down the process step-by-step…
Just as YouTube demonetizes my videos before they air and will categorically block anything with Truth, we are dealing with corruption at all levels. In this episode, we take the gloves off to call these motherf*ckers out.
The subject of antimatter is mentioned more than explained. In this episode, we examine what is required to create antimatter and some of possible applications in the real world. Enjoy
The subject of the 1947 Roswell UFO crash continues to mystify the world. New efforts attempt to distort the original story daily. In this episode, we re-examine the facts of this notorious day. Enjoy.
DTR 2019.01 SPORTSMODEL T-SHIRT This Season 5 T-Shirt design features the first edition of the DTR 2019.01 SportModel UFO. Having this design will prove that you were there when the ship made first contact. I LIKE UFOS / DEEP THOUGHTS…