The Great Awakening is building up steam. We must keep the pressure on. In this episode, we look at the various areas where we’re winning. Enjoy.
Are there weapons that create natural disasters? In this episode, we examine many of the potential technologies and clues that this indeed could be the case. Enjoy.
In an effort to clear my subject queue, I’m going to start on occasion to combine multiple topics into a single episode. In this episode, we examine some of the thinking around the giant human theory, the mundane Area 51…
Every epoch comes with great human development challenges. The Great Awakening of the 21st Century is our calling to rid the world of double-standards and ruling class infrastructure. In this episode, we examine the numerous evils running this planet and…
In this listener requested episode, we review vanilla WoW and its many expansions. In closing, I present one of my own expansion ideas that breaks from the exhausted WoW Lore. Enjoy.
Does the universe have a built-in justice system? Do bad people get their just desserts before they perish? Does the parent who commits crimes burden his offspring with punishment? In this episode, we parse the realities of these assertions. Enjoy.
The euphoric societies of old knew that a man needed to master both hemispheres of the brain. The Egyptian’s built a religion around or more accurately a doctrine. Western cultures use to enforce the learning of the left and the…
We are made up and control our lives using electrical energy. In this episode, we examine the realities surround this fundamental fabric.
As man is faced with an inevitable expiration, he must contemplate the seldom discussed obligatory moment in time. Given that the unknown is all too often portrayed as an abyss of darkness and terror, the conversation remains in its infantile…
The issue of a border being built at the southern border of the United States is the deep state’s latest attempt to keep their American drug trader alive. The Trump administration can’t tell the American people that corrupt factions inside…