We all entertain stories about UFOs, but do we put any effort into correlating the dozens of accounts logically? In this episode, we examine the contradictions of UFOs and what they would mean to mankind. Enjoy.
Bart Sibrel is the premiere documentary filmmaker when it comes to the hoax of the NASA Moon missions. His two films “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon” and “Astronauts Gone Wild” reveal all the essential information…
Some people always see themselves as inferior humans and project their self-loathing onto others in the form of sociological scapegoating. In this episode, we explore how this goes way beyond race. Enjoy.
One of the greatest lessons one learns as one gets older is simplifying one’s life. It’s an art, and it seldom begins without someone who’s gone before you helping you get started. This episode will be a push in that…
The subject of artificial intelligence is always regarded as an obligatory eventuality, but is it? In this episode, we examine the implications of usurping man’s ability to function and what consequences will arise from this evolution. Enjoy. Richie Montgomeryhttps://fineartamerica.com/profiles/1-paul-montgomery.html
Do we get what we manifest after life? With the recent death of Stephen W Hawking the question is on everyone’s mind; what happens to one who doesn’t believe?
When a law is necessary to enforce a belief, we call that a lie.
There is substantial proof that all living matter emits light. Brilliant inventors have also suggested that a photon is at the center of every atom. Could these two complete the ecosystem of life itself? In this episode, we examine the…
The most fundamental cornerstone of your existence is your purpose. It drives you. It gives you energy when you have none. It ends up being your destiny. In this episode, we discuss methods of identifying your purpose. Enjoy.