DTR Ep 182: Fragility Of Man

Ever wonder how we as man have become the dominate species of this planet, but remain ever fragile in form? Was it evolution? Creationism? Aliens? Let’s discuss.

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DTR Ep 180: Entrepreneurship

Virtually everyone reaches a point when they consider starting their own business, but seldom do folks have the nuts and bolts to get started unless they’ve majored in business during college. In this episode, we examine many factors when starting…

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DTR Ep 179: UFOs

Until the time when all humans carried a 4k camera on their hips, the subject of UFO sightings provided many a commercial sponsored television shows. Like the printing press that ended all messiahs, the subject matter of UFOs has drifted…

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DTR Ep 178: Taking Action

It’s one thing to know you have to do something, but it’s another to actually get the motivation to do it. In this episode, we look at many techniques and states of mind that can assist in you taking ALL…

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DTR SR: Doom & Gloom

There is a small group of the population that constantly believes the world is about to end. In this episode, we explore that psyche, and try to give concrete examples of how this is a dangerous state of mind. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 177: The Flat Earth Simulator

There are two factions fighting for the Truth. One, a five hundred year old loosely informed group of parrots, and two, a passionate group of explorers who have the courage to challenge paradigms of modern science. In this episode, we…

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DTR Ep 176: Destiny

It is something that plagues the minds of many. “Am I missing my destiny?” It haunts the bones of some of us. In this episode, we dismantle the concept and slowly reconstruct it to lighten the load of guilt. We…

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DTR Ep 175: An AI Universe?

Does the universe think? Are there emotions inside mathematical equations? Does the universe sing the body electric? In this episode, we examine the anatomy of the universe and its balance between perceivable math and certain emotion. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 174: Benefits Of Flat Earth

Regardless of where your opinion rests, the exercise of exploring radical theories of the universe is useful to the mind. In this episode, we explore the benefits that the theory of Flat Earth have brought anyone who has had the…

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