Month: May 2018

DTR Ep 281: Meaning of Dreams

There are many theories about dreams relating directly to meanings. In this episode, we examine the potential reality of such claims. Does the universe have symbolism built into it? Do we harvest those symbols into directional maps for our reality?…

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DTR Ep 280: Conspiracies

We talk about the specifics all the time, but perhaps we should discuss them directly. In this episode, we examine the spinal chord of what constitutes a conspiracy. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 279: Controlling Fear

The subject of fear is seldom discussed because most of us don’t want to admit we’re falling victim to its powers. The truth is there are many ways to visualize its existence such that one can externalize and control it….

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DTR Ep 278: Crap Science

Misleading theories keep us in the past locked from progress. In this episode, we examine some of the most popular diversions.

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DTR Ep 277: Observed Reality

We observe reality every day, but are all the things we imagine and see within our consciousness our thoughts? In this episode, we examine the possibility that not all we see is truly ours, and with this realization, we might…

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DTR Ep 276: Replacing NASA

We all complain about the lies of NASA, but how can we fix the problem? In this episode, we explore what solutions might arise from a clean slate. Enjoy.

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