Category: AI

DTR S6: The AI Report Jan 2025

As AI continues to grow at exponential rates, we’re going to review the progress and how to navigate through the replacements so that one can come out on top. Enjoy.

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DTR S6: Hidden Technologies Part 1

Many believe that there are countless hidden technologies. In this episode, we review ChatGPT’s top 20 picks. Enjoy.

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DTR S6: Looker (Movie 1981)

Once upon a time, Michael Crichton wrote and directed a movie called Looker released in 1981. How could one of the most famous men create a great film and no one has heard of it? Because, he predicted things to…

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DTR S6: AI Threats Dec 2023

Every day the technology gets more powerful exponentially. In this episode, we review Chat GPT and Gemini, their differences, and how they could effect all of us. Enjoy.

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DTR S6: The AI Plan

Many of us are wondering why the sudden drastic improvement in AI was dropped now. What effect could it have on society to serve those who never have our best interested in mind. In this episode, we will examine a…

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DTR S6: AI Art

The subject of AI Art is a hot topic around the world. World class artists are being displaced daily by the knockoff utility. In this episode, we discuss the impact of this new paradigm and how as an art, one…

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DTR Ep 408: Fearing AI

We are being taught to fear the unknowns around Artificial Intelligence. However, the experts disagree who aren’t working for the deep state. They know the technology merely emulates the depths of the software engineers that made them. In this episode,…

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DTR Ep 265: Do We Need AI?

The subject of artificial intelligence is always regarded as an obligatory eventuality, but is it? In this episode, we examine the implications of usurping man’s ability to function and what consequences will arise from this evolution. Enjoy. Richie Montgomery

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DTR Ep 175: An AI Universe?

Does the universe think? Are there emotions inside mathematical equations? Does the universe sing the body electric? In this episode, we examine the anatomy of the universe and its balance between perceivable math and certain emotion. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 3: Artificial Intelligence

Join us in this episode as we discuss the potential dangers of artificial intelligence and many of the realities of truly our performing mankind with programming.

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