Category: Entertainment
Would you believe that the same chemical that makes you feel wonderful actually drops when you’re being negative? In this episode, we example the acidic algorithms embedded in social media platforms that are rotting our lives. Enjoy.
From birth, we are raised that giants and pygmies are fictional characters only found in J.R. Tolkien novels. Today, we have dozens and dozens of articles and books that have be unearthed to prove that they did exist and were…
As life gets more challenging, we assume that the loss of magical thinking and successful fall-up-hill algorithms of life fade only due to life’s responsibilities. In this episode, we examine the notion that our natural state of positive law of…
I Pet Goat “too” is a creation of predictive programming to let us know what is coming if they get their way. It is important to understand the full scope of the destruction. Below is our analysis.
The ever lazy ruling class who will only act when they need to are having their end-game hastened due to the proliferation of Truth over the internet. By employing their massive media machines around the world, they are duping the…
The world has been lured into mouse trap after mouse trap. Free services that gather your every move and your every thought help the Deep State determine how to corner you into their bidding. In this episode, we scratch the…
Computer Chronicles is a landmark television show that aired from 1983 to 2002. Hosted by Steward Cheifet and Gary Killdall and many other notable minds in Silicon Valley. In this episode, we review the incredible insights of this show and…
The online LARP character said to never trust anyone but him. However, in the aftermath, many aging men have stepped up to the plate to claim a direct connection to the movement and its inner workings. One such character has…
For the last 40 years, the ruling class have concocted one population reduction program after another. Introducing some of the biggest lies into history to forge their path. In this episode, we examine many of those lies and attempt to…
Social media promised us nothing, but has been unanimously considered a benefit to society. In the end, most platforms have resulted in AI education and hated among mankind. In this episode, we examine the various factors underlying this new media….