Category: Entertainment

DTR Ep 220: Deep Mind

What is a deep mind? What makes it expand? Stay open? In this episode, we examine the various traits that can get the ball rolling. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 219: Why Are You Alive?

Have you ever wondered why you were created? To what benefit could we bring a being able to create us? In this episode, we examine what might make us special enough to be maintained. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 218: Consciousness Force

Are our thoughts a physical force in the universe? If so, how would we research and identify such a science? In this episode, we examine many aspects of consciousness to hopefully peek into the potential of its power.

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DTR Ep 217: Dealing With Stress

One of the most requested subjects, stress. In this episode, we’ll examine what it is, how it’s created, and how one can build systems to reduce if not eliminate it. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 216: Blade Runner

One of the greatest movies ever made is about to be sequeled. Before one sees its successor, one should understand that significance of the original. In this episode, we review the masterpiece directed by Ridley Scott starring Harrison Ford and…

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DTR Ep 215: The Death Of Chivalry

The very foundation of etiquette between the sexes is being dissolved by pop culture. In this episode, we discuss the need for such behaviors to hone ourselves and to learn about one another. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 214: Deep State

The Earth is controlled by a government that works hard to stay unnoticed. The golden brick road leads to the banking wizards that manipulate every turn of political, financial, and military power. For the first time, we’ve been able to…

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DTR Ep 213: Are Aliens Demons?

There is a new theory infecting alien studies. The religious devotees have mapped their paradigm onto extraterrestrials. The unexplained are now cast away as demons. The scapegoating has no limits. In this episode, we look at the logic of such…

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DTR Ep 212: Rollerball 1975

An epic prophecy of what could be. Corporations have replaced nations. The only surviving game in town is called Rollerball. Released in 1975, this film was 100 years ahead of its time. James Caan captures the role of Jonathan E.,…

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DTR Ep 211: Enlightenment

The concept is tossed around without elaboration. Enlightenment simply put is seeing more. In this episode, we examine method, purpose, techniques and more of this mind-expanding notion. Enjoy.

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