Category: Science

DTR S6 Bonus: Human Cloning and Robots

Now that one movement has failed to prove itself worthy, many are going into a state of denial about their favor savior. The accusation that some “heroes” are now either human clones are synthetic robots has started to provide a…

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DTR S6 Bonus: Is the Sun a Portal?

Worship of the sun has been around since man was placed on this Earth. We like to say that the Truth is hidden in plain sight. Could it be that we’ve been overlooking the greatest evidence of them all? In…

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DTR S6 Bonus: Dimensional Constraints

We often discuss the possibility of dimensional existence at a global scale, but never on an individual soul level. Could it be that we are as unique in dimension as we are as individual personalities? In this episode, we discuss…

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DTR S6 EP 587: Stupid Science

Science for the last 100 plus years has been designed to mislead and misdirect your mind from ever discovering the truth about how the universe works. The predecessors did not operate under those objectives. In this episode, we review the…

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DTR S6 EP 584: Psychotronic Weapons

A long time ago experiments were conducted that revealed much more about our universe than expected. Those results were harvest into projects that immediately led to weapons of all kinds. In this episode, we examine the exploration of military grade…

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DTR S6 EP 564: Evolution 2021

The subject of evolution verses creationism is often boiled down to extreme absolutes. In this episode, we examine both sides of the argument and offer tangents seldom mentioned. Enjoy.

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DTR S6 EP 530: The Hutchinson Effect

John Hutchinson claimed in the mid-1980s to have levitated objects using electromagnetic waves. He claimed to have filmed these in his laboratory. He also claimed to have altered various metals with his new-found technology. However, he was never able to…

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DTR S6 EP 528: EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon)

Ever since the debut of the radio, individuals around the globe have claimed to have recorded voices from the afterlife. In this episode, we examine the claims one attribute at a time. Enjoy.

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DTR S6 EP 526: Magic

We are born with the belief that magic is a string in the fabric of reality. Over time, we are punished for maintaining any semblance of this thought. In this episode, we explore the fundamental principles and emotions that drive…

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DTR S6 EP 524: Déjà vu

One of the most mysterious feelings a human ever feels. Yet, it remains one of the least understood. In this episode, we explore the most popular claims as well as some of our own theories. Enjoy.

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