Category: Science
The subject of vacuums and what can exist within them in an intriguing subject of great debate. Prior to engaging in a detailed discussion on the topic, one must consider the alternative. In this episode, we examine the reality of…
The scam of Global Warming is nearing its end, however. Society as a whole will need help repelling the lunacy that was the theory that man controls the weather with emissions. Should we clean up the atmosphere? Of course. Should…
As one unravels the multitude of evidence that space agencies around the world have engaged in deceptive portrayals of space footage, the question arises: why fake space? Why not put stars in ISS shots? Roasters in space? Is it because…
How much do we adopt the physical world as our spectrum of all existence? What exists outside of this realm of perception? Have we overlooked clues that prove there is more? In this episode, we explore some options of how…
We have talked a lot about the deception of NASA and other related companies. What if the burden of entering space fell back on normal mortal human beings who are compelled to find real solutions without lies? In this episode,…
We measure what we are through our five sense system, but is there a better way to pull back from that constraint and find your true essence? In this episode, we examine techniques to do just that. Enjoy.
Misleading theories keep us in the past locked from progress. In this episode, we examine some of the most popular diversions.
We observe reality every day, but are all the things we imagine and see within our consciousness our thoughts? In this episode, we examine the possibility that not all we see is truly ours, and with this realization, we might…
We all complain about the lies of NASA, but how can we fix the problem? In this episode, we explore what solutions might arise from a clean slate. Enjoy.
There is substantial proof that all living matter emits light. Brilliant inventors have also suggested that a photon is at the center of every atom. Could these two complete the ecosystem of life itself? In this episode, we examine the…