Category: Self Improvement

DTR Ep 62: Parenting

One area of life that doesn’t come with a brochure is parenting. Some of us have elders that help, others try to study successful parents, and some of us simply make every mistake in the book. This extended episode is…

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DTR Ep 60: Alcoholism

As the pressures of a chaotic world weigh down on societies shoulders, so too do the needs of the individual to exhaust those stresses. Alcohol has become a spreading disease of the boom and bust era. False expectations of a…

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DTR Ep 54: Greed

It’s the one fault in man that destroys the world, but what is it really? We all know it comes in many flavors, and that we all suffer from its temptation. This episode is about controlling this viral disease within…

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DTR Ep 52: Talent

Talents are the future. Those without them will be replaced by robots and software. Don’t be replaced. This episode is about how to get them, nurture them, and pick yourself up when the going gets unbearable.

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DTR Ep 48: Giving

The universe is a collaborative effort. Giving reminds us of what we have, and what we’ve been privileged to acquire. Giving is a mechanism to recycle our excess, help our fellow man, and show the world what kind of person…

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DTR Ep 47: Making Decisions

We do it every second of every day, but who has ever taken us aside and taught us how to make sure we’re making the best decisions we can? This episode dissects some of the methods used by businesses to…

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DTR Ep 43: Perfectionism

We live our entire lives with very little advice on what it means to perfect our creations. This is a direct deep thought regarding the art of becoming a perfectionist. And yes, your narrator was fighting a cold. Enjoy!

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DTR Ep 42: Being An Artist

There are many things to consider when becoming an artist. We discuss many of these touch points in this episode. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 39: Competition

We know the world is competitive, and that we need to learn how to coexist within this feral world. However, man has lost control of the basics and allowed friendly competitiveness to get out of hand. This episode reviews varying…

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DTR Ep 36: Thinking

Today we explore the difference between memorizing and repeating and actual thinking.

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