Does the world reset intentionally leaving behind the remints of previous experiments? Is every monumental world wonder merely a glimpse into these successful peaks of man’s abilities? In this episode, we examine the possible clues as to whether man’s journey…
Ever since man gained a consciousness, creating facsimiles of reality has been our addiction. From early oral storytelling to printed word, man has lusted for exporting imagination. In this episode, we examine the power of the pixel. Enjoy.
The subject of ghosts is a tough topic to prove. Some have had interactions with spirits from the afterlife, some haven’t. For those who are yet to have the experience, the process of opening one’s mind may be a requirement….
At 60 million dollars a day, the amount of “space” travel is minimal. In this episode, we take another look at the absurd chain of claims from an agency that produces more weapon technology than interplanetary travel. Enjoy.
Man cannot grasp infinity and therefore contains a genetic blind spot to concepts that govern him. In this episode, we explore what it means to conceive of infinity and how this limitation can lead to man’s demise. Enjoy.
We all know the many can defeat the few, however. We’re struggling to come to terms with the equation of our own power. In this episode, we review through a classic film the Warriors, how this reality applies to us….
Challenged by a friend, this episode delves into the simple question of how not to be dumb. We explore many techniques to augment the mind. Enjoy.
The matrix can be defined as an artificial reality that has been overlaid on top of the true reality. This is being done every second of every day since you were born. In this episode, we examine the dynamics of…
The addiction to loving anyone who tells you what you want to hear has become a massive business over the last 100 years. In this episode, we examine how this is being used to heard individuals into good meaning movements…
How does one find their inner perfection? What are the key steps? Why do some people always exceed expectations, while others seldom meet the minimums? In this episode, we examine some tried and true steps to step outside your comfort…