DTR S6 EP 594: Dealing with Crisis

The world has become a firestorm of gas lighting confusion. The more you listen, the more you risk not falling asleep. In this episode, we explore the many ways we’ve dealt with crisis in our lives and survived the insurmountable….

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Laugh People Awake!

Propaganda - T-Shirt

Waking people up can be a lot more entertaining than an argument. Get these babies and laugh folks awake!

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DTR S6 EP 593: Escaping into Creativity

It’s time to take a break from the darkness and remember the way the world was when you loved it. Without memories of what was we will never know what to do with our future. In this episode, we tour…

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YouTube Striked!

YouTube has cited an ancient Q video on two occasions to initially threaten us and then eventually STRIKE us into limited use. While the subscriptions are growing and our viewership has doubled, the globalist minions are working overtime to cut…

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Not sure who this company is and why they would predict that America was going to be reduced by 260 MM citizens, but indeed the WayBackMachine.org proves this out. The version we viewed on YouTube was 333MM to 69MM. The…

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DTR S6 EP 592: Isolating Truth

Cults operate by isolating individuals away from their family and friends to condition them for indoctrination. Today, we see media and social media platforms engaging in the same practices. In this episode, we examine how this is being done so…

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DTR S6 EP 591: Piezo Puppets

There once was a bull that had a microchip inserted into its brain. as it rushed the Matador the chip was activated, and the bull froze in his tracks. Imagine a human body packed with systems that respond to electromagnetic…

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DTR S6 EP 590: The Cyber Event

The writing is on the wall, a cyber attack is incoming. They are telling us point-blank. In this episode, we examine how intense this next event could be. Enjoy.

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