DTR S6: GE Kincaid

Around 1909, a man by the name of G.E. Kincaid decided to explore the Grand Canyon before it was shut down for normal exploration by Teddy Roosevelt. After sailing up a river channel, he noticed what he thought were signs…

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DTR S6: Destination Moon Hoax

Each year since 1969 brings in a celebration of an event that never really occurred. As time passes, the masses are waking up to the deception that was always a part of these organizations. As scientists wanted to brag about…

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DTR S6: The AI Plan

Many of us are wondering why the sudden drastic improvement in AI was dropped now. What effect could it have on society to serve those who never have our best interested in mind. In this episode, we will examine a…

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DTR S6: Future of Video Games

The speed of emerging technologies is higher now than ever before. With these changes come paradigm shifts in reality. Like the farmer in 1850 trying to understand a VR headset some 150 years later, so too will current citizens struggle…

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DTR S6: Living with Afterlife

Many of us have experienced things that make us believe in an afterlife, but we seldom discuss the changes we make in our daily lives as a result of the transformation from faith-based living to one of certainty. In this…

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DTR S6: Arma’Gettin’ Tired of this Bullshit!

Yeah, yeah, martial law is coming, the EBS message is only mins away, enough already. Let’s discuss.

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DTR S6: AI Art

The subject of AI Art is a hot topic around the world. World class artists are being displaced daily by the knockoff utility. In this episode, we discuss the impact of this new paradigm and how as an art, one…

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DTR S6: Stealing Reality

Soon, new devices will hit the market aimed at usurping your reality. Devices designed to overlay reality with augmented visions that will change how you conceive of your world. In this episode, we examine the vectors in technology leading to…

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DTR S6: Falling Tree Syndrome

With each introduction of medium, we become more docile and subservient to its illusion. We have transformed our minds from focusing on our sphere’s of influence to the ludicrously large spectrum of all events in all sectors of the world….

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