The older one gets, the more the subject of mortality creeps into your consciousness. Yet, we rarely discuss this reality with young people. We seldom consider it when making choices at an early age. In this episode, we examine the…
We all want the best for society, because we live in it, but what does that mean? What are the variables that must be considered when pondering such a vast end game? In this episode we examine just that. Enjoy.
The second tier of mind control. You awake with a desire to know what’s going on in the world, because you’ve been taught to care. You have the perception that you can achieve a valid image by taking in private…
The proverbial THEM. We talk about them, we blame them, and we debate who they are, but who are they? In this episode we dive deep into the origins of them. Their organic formation. Their discovery of mechanisms that control…
Many methods have been developed to discuss what consciousness is, and how we identify ourselves. However, the first world countries have largely lost any means of discussing this without concentrated studies. In this episode we begin to identify some thoughts…
Have you ever dreamed about living in space? Have you ever marathon Star Trek? Battlestar Galactica? Star Wars? Doctor Who? Then why haven’t you ever dreamt of being in space with your favorite crew? In this episode we jump off…
Given the recent discovery of the government-sponsored paper on “Cognitive Infiltration” written in 2008, could Flat Earth be nothing more than a clever PSYOP to distract us from what’s coming up in late 2016? It sure has a lot of…
We become the people we surround ourselves with, but do we know who’s who? In this episode, we review the designations of acquaintance, friend, and best friend. We review parents and spouses and the very important differences of each. This…
The world is owned and operated by secret societies, but what constitutes a secret? How do we distinguish a benign secret from one that does harm? In this episode we break down the fundamentals of what it means to be…