DTR Ep 113: Perception

A simple concept with infinitely complex implications. In this episode we pull back from the world and push to split the atom of personal perceptions of reality. We review how we might monitor that which makes up our limitations. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 112: Destination Dream

They tell us that our dreams are just our imagination. Then why can’t we dream of places we can image, but have never been? This episode breaks open the reality that our dreams are not as versatile as we’ve been…

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DTR Ep 111: Fake Space Programs

The jig is up with the space programs. All of them have been caught red-handed lying with fake images, theoretical unproven science, and paid off shills that publish their claims unceasingly. It’s time that we as a people expose their…

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DTR Ep 110: Reptilian Aliens

The theory of reptilian aliens having invaded Earth thousands of years ago is a hot topic on the internet. Whether be shape-shifting aliens or interdimensional possession creatures, the theory isn’t as crazy as it might first appear. In this episode…

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DTR Ep 109: The Apocalypse

A subject that comes up a lot on today’s fear laden world is an apocalypse. The world has a new subculture of “preppers” getting ready for doomsday. But what is an apocalypse? Is it manmade terror? Is it a natural…

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DTR Ep 108: Alien Intent

The subject of alien contact is alluring. Many have tried to cloud this chance happening with fake stories to make a buck, but if they really existed, how would this truly go down? What parameters of behavior would they exhibit?…

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DTR Ep 107: Positivity

Positivity isn’t a revolutionary concept, but it might be something we neglect to discuss as a crucial part of life. This episode dives into the abstract concept and hardcore proof that it does create the life you’re looking for. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 106: Character Development (Screenwriting)

Writers block often leaves you in a dead end with a feeling of futility. In contrast, the best stories you’ve ever told or heard were packed with rich deep and amazing characters that wrote their own destiny. This episode is…

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DTR Ep 105: The Age Of Robotics

The Age Of Robotics has been upon us for decades, but it’s about to go into overdrive. Are we ready? Have we had the basic conversations about how these additions to our lives might impact our development as humans? In…

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DTR Ep 104: Alien Invasion Hoax

Bonnie Holmes, Wernher von Braun’s secretary claimed that he warned her about a planned alien invasion hoax. On December 4th 1985, Ronald Reagan talked for an alien invasion uniting man. The internet hasn’t forgotten this possible threat, but has anyone…

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