DTR Ep 106: Character Development (Screenwriting)

Writers block often leaves you in a dead end with a feeling of futility. In contrast, the best stories you’ve ever told or heard were packed with rich deep and amazing characters that wrote their own destiny. This episode is…

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DTR Ep 105: The Age Of Robotics

The Age Of Robotics has been upon us for decades, but it’s about to go into overdrive. Are we ready? Have we had the basic conversations about how these additions to our lives might impact our development as humans? In…

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DTR Ep 104: Alien Invasion Hoax

Bonnie Holmes, Wernher von Braun’s secretary claimed that he warned her about a planned alien invasion hoax. On December 4th 1985, Ronald Reagan talked for an alien invasion uniting man. The internet hasn’t forgotten this possible threat, but has anyone…

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DTR Ep 103: Growing Up

We’re all forced to do it, but we virtually never discuss what it means. In this episode we cover the essential areas of where we need to make decisions for ourselves. To understand that most of use did not “determine”…

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DTR Ep 100: Season One Review

This episode describes the first 99 episodes and Special Reports of Season One of Deep Thoughts. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 99: Reinventing Yourself

In this episode we cover the process of reinventing yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. The goal is to align your outside world with your inside desires to achieve quality happiness. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 102: Holographic Universe

There is an emerging realization that the universe is a colliding mesh of frequencies, and that our consciousness plays a significant role in this formula of life. This is part one of exploring the basics of this assured truth. From…

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DTR Ep 101: MK Ultra

Many have asked “What is MK Ultra?” This episode delves into the mysterious program once conducted by the US government to achieve the ultimate in mind control. This is a tale of one Cathy O’Brien who claims to have been…

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DTR Ep 98: The Firmament (Flat Earth)

There is much debate about Flat Earth this year, but just how unthinkable is a Firmament? If we accept the notion of aliens in space, wouldn’t they have the technology to construct such a location? Could it be that our…

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DTR Ep 97: Arcades

There used to be a time when mankind congregated together in real-life. One such era involved the amazing destination known as the Arcade. This episode is a walk down memory lane to revere the amazing experience created by brilliant game…

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