Category: Dreams

DTR S6: Real-Time Dreaming

Dream “specialist” tell you the boldface lie that we only dream during the REM or Random Eye Movement phase of our evenings. As most of us know, we dream continuous stories if we dream at all. In this episode, we…

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DTR S6 EP 585: Soul Dream Connection

Are dreams directly proportional to one’s belief that one is more human than spiritual? Do theories like evolution divorce man from being able to feel man’s true self? In this episode, we examine the possible connection points between believing that…

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DTR S6 EP 549: Dream Abilities

Dream abilities are far more restrictive than we usually realize. In this episode, we examine new findings of just how unique this alternate reality is. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 463: Dream Birthing

We dream every single night constituting tens of thousands of dreams in a lifetime, but do we ever remember entering a dreams? In this episode, we examine the entry and exiting of dreams to see if there is anything trackable…

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DTR Ep 409: Big Dreams

We are told that dreams only last a microsecond, but feel like hours. Yet, many of use dream all throughout the night and early morning. We wake up, check our phones, go to the restroom, and re-enter right were we…

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DTR Ep 371: Dream Geography

Where we dream is as important as what we dream. In this episode, we explore the various indicators of how we might influence and be influenced by where our dreams occur. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 346: What is a Dream?

We’ve all had them, but what are they? Our parents never attempt to explain them. Science disagrees categorically about what they are, so what are they? In this episode, we examine new avenues of what might be driving these obligatory…

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DTR Ep 299: Dream Development

We barely discuss our dreams with anyone. What if we did? What if we started to analyze them intensely? Would we discover something about them and ourselves? In this episode, we examine the possible effects of diving deep into our…

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DTR Ep 281: Meaning of Dreams

There are many theories about dreams relating directly to meanings. In this episode, we examine the potential reality of such claims. Does the universe have symbolism built into it? Do we harvest those symbols into directional maps for our reality?…

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