DTR S6 Bonus: Comfortable Being You

As the social pressure increases to make us hate one another and ourselves, it’s good to take a step back and realize that we’re being misled. In this episode, we take a closer look at the need to love oneself…

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DTR S6 Bonus: My Struggle with Religion

A number of you have asked me questions about my perception on organized religion. In this episode, I try to answer some of those questions directly. Enjoy.

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DTR S6 Bonus: Human Cloning and Robots

Now that one movement has failed to prove itself worthy, many are going into a state of denial about their favor savior. The accusation that some “heroes” are now either human clones are synthetic robots has started to provide a…

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DTR S6 Bonus: The Demise of California

Three decades ago, California went into a calculated tailspin. Propped up as the influencer of influencers, those in control knew that cultures around the world would strive to emulate whatever was coming out of this area of the world. In…

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DTR S6 Bonus: How They Spy on You 2021

The act of spying on another is driven by an intent to deceive. The projecting paranoia of the sinister onto the innocent. One evil soul equals the corruption of an entire society if that soul can gain any level of…

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DTR S6 Bonus: Making Prophets

As we attempt to decipher the world’s chaos, many have retreated to the writings of old. They have tried to find guidance and wisdom in the prophets of yesteryear. However, were they prophets, or were they plagiarized into fable? In…

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DTR S6 Bonus: Feeling Trapped

There are some states of mind that we don’t like to share with others, leaving us to figure out how to deal with it solo. In this episode, we discuss one of the most common feelings that accompanies growth and…

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DTR S6 Bonus: Beware of the Carrot

Each day represents a new lure. The powers that attempt to control you are ever offering new addictions for the weak minded. In the episode, we examine the process and the history of this game. Enjoy.

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DTR S6 Bonus: Is the Sun a Portal?

Worship of the sun has been around since man was placed on this Earth. We like to say that the Truth is hidden in plain sight. Could it be that we’ve been overlooking the greatest evidence of them all? In…

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DTR S6 Bonus: Trust Learning

How do we learn? We trust. How do we trust in a world of lies? When did those lies start to dominate our perception of reality? In this episode, we examine the factors of Trust Learning and its dangers. Enjoy.

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