The claims of propelling a vehicle over 300 million miles into space without a 100th of a degree error is where the logic breaks down. Why weren’t the rovers tested on the Moon first? How did 1975 technology understand where…
The subject of space travel is riddled with contradictions. Let’s discuss.
When we externalize our identity, we place our sense of self-worth and definition in the hands of external events and the perceptions of others. This dependency can lead to a fragile self-identity that is constantly influenced and potentially disrupted by…
Virtually all the footage from the International Space Station has some tell-tell sign that the people in the videos are not in space. So what gives? In this episode, we review all the modules, their purposes and the official explanations…
Given the sheer volume of information to review, here is a part two of the discussion I hope you enjoy.
Bart Sibrel continues his quest to wake up the world to the truth. We review many aspects of the best smoking guns. Enjoy.
In this episode, we explore the idea that other beings could be living off an ecosystem of human emotions. We examine this concept in detail and discuss how to avoid becoming a surrogate for these entities, which could lead to…
In 1983, a film released to limited reception. It stars Christopher Walken, Natalie Wood, Louise Fletcher and Cliff Roberson to name a few. Directed by Doug Trumbull, the legendary effects god from 2001: A Space Odyssey, this film portrays a…
A world is coming to a point where reality will simulate real-time. Discerning what is real and what is fictional will forever be a blurred line until the power goes out. In this episode, we review the implications of the…
In 1961, Twilight Zone aired an episode called “The Obsolete Man.” Within the confines of this 22 minutes is contained more applicable cautions about our times than all the fiction aired since. In this episode, we review the crucial in…