Category: Entertainment

DTR Ep 72: Mandela Effect

Are there parallel universes? Is someone or something toying with our reality and leaving behind errors? Are we simply suffering from a mass misunderstanding? This episode discusses the phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect. From the Berenstain Bears to the…

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DTR Ep 71: Depopulation

Population control is the buzzword of the century, but what is anyone doing about it? Because we aren’t intelligently engaging the conversation, we have driven the shadow governments of the world to take action. From poisons in our food supply…

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DTR Ep 70: Love

What is Love? Why is Love? In this episode, we explore the various subatomic meanings of this driving force of mankind. Do we really observe objectively what we feel and why? What would our lives be if we truly engaged…

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DTR Ep 69: Gun Control

Liberty is freedom from government. The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States protects liberty. Guns aren’t primarily for hunting, they are for protecting oneself from a tyrannical government. In this episode, we cover the lesser views of…

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DTR Ep 68: Star Trek

Today we discuss the impact of the TV Series Star Trek on the minds of society. Gene Roddenberry’s amazing vision of a clean bright future that has resolved that all we are attempting to fix today. A beckon of hope,…

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DTR Ep 67: Voter Fraud & Bilderbergs

We are brought up to think that our votes count, but we’ve forgotten one fact of life: the wealthiest people on Earth don’t allow peasants to determine their futures. Therefore, all voting is fixed. Learn how deep this rabbit hole…

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DTR Ep 66: Fanboys

There is an epidemic of absurdity festering in the world…the invention of the Fanboy. The inertial force that holds progress back. The anti-innovation mindset that attempts to deny the future its existence. This episode is about this epidemic, the need…

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DTR Ep 65: Cern LHC Conspiracies

What is the CERN LHC or Large Hadron Collider? How does it work? What are they trying to do? This episode covers the basics of the science, the goals, and the concerns of both fellow scientists, and the religious Christians…

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DTR Ep 64: Building A UFO

This episode takes a simple journey down the path of what would need to be considered in creating an interstellar UFO craft. Based on several existing theories and some new ideas, we go through the basics of pulling this off….

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DTR Ep 63: Loving Yourself

The most important person in the world to love is yourself. Yet some paradigms promote a feeling of guilt at the mere concept. Let’s break free of this repressive regime.

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