Category: Technology

DTR Ep 430: California Fires

For most, the California fires have reached a frequency and absurdity that points to government creation and extortion of Federal funds by any means necessary to pay for Agenda 21 sanctuary cities and other horrific programs that rob the sunshine…

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DTR Ep 424: Video Games Today

Video games today are all over the place. A once rich and centralized place to find quality entertainment is riddled with second rate micro-transaction knock-offs that fail to deliver. In this episode, we examine why this might be the sad…

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DTR Ep 422: Space XYZPDQ

The business of private space industry is ramping up with companies like Space X taking a lion share of the spoils while promising outrageous claims. Elon Musk was to walk on Mars personally in 2018. NASA says they’re going “back”…

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DTR Ep 408: Fearing AI

We are being taught to fear the unknowns around Artificial Intelligence. However, the experts disagree who aren’t working for the deep state. They know the technology merely emulates the depths of the software engineers that made them. In this episode,…

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DTR Ep 406: Quantum Computing

There is a new frontier arriving in the world of computing technology known as Quantum Computing. By using the ever random properties of an atom now referred to as a Qubit, computer scientists are able to explore every possible value…

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DTR Ep 344: Weapons of Natural Destruction

Are there weapons that create natural disasters? In this episode, we examine many of the potential technologies and clues that this indeed could be the case. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 315: Living In a CGI Reality

It’s one thing to volunteer into an entertainment venue and behold computer-generated imagery. It is another thing to be shown equally fake materials and be told that you’re staring at reality. CGI has grown from a Hollywood tool to a…

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DTR Ep 309: Space Travel

We have talked a lot about the deception of NASA and other related companies. What if the burden of entering space fell back on normal mortal human beings who are compelled to find real solutions without lies? In this episode,…

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DTR Ep 265: Do We Need AI?

The subject of artificial intelligence is always regarded as an obligatory eventuality, but is it? In this episode, we examine the implications of usurping man’s ability to function and what consequences will arise from this evolution. Enjoy. Richie Montgomery

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DTR Ep 254: 5G Dangers

EMF or Electro Magnetic Frequencies are the cause of many illnesses that cut short the life of citizens globally. Our homes, businesses, and schools are saturated with billions of times more than healthy levels. The FCC currently does not employ…

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