Category: Wake Up List

DTR S6: Big Picture Jan 2025

There is only ONE agenda in this world, and no one is talking about it. If you want to be useful in the fight against evil, it’s time to go to class. Enjoy.

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DTR S6 EP 551: 2021 Chemtrails

The never ending aerosol spraying campaign rages as shills continue to try and explain away the poison powder coming down from on high. Confirmed by pilots who aren’t afraid to tell the truth and denied by those deeply involved, the…

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DTR S6 EP 547: Fighting Cancer

The man-made illness known as cancer is a daily factor of life today. Trillion-dollar businesses have been constructed around this business. In this episode, we explore several successful alternative treatments to survive this plague. Enjoy.

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DTR S6 EP 541: I Pet Goat 2 Analysis

The infamous “I Pet Goat 2” video by Heliofant is legendary for several reasons. After eight years of analysis and countless bizarre events in history, it’s time to take another look. As agendas reveal themselves, the symbolism in this video…

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DTR Ep 484: Codex Alimentarius

They have been poisoning us for decades. A NAZI cabal founded the Trade Commission that turned into the World Trade Organization. Now they control your food. They deem vitamins toxins, and toxins as nutritious. In this episode, we examine how…

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DTR Ep 466: Weather Manipulation

Weather manipulation is a registered patented FACT. However, the world is yet to accept patents that a were awarded in 1948. The illusion of random weather is just that. We are being torn apart by false claims of “global warming”…

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DTR Ep 427: Agenda 21/2030

Many of us follow various conspiracies that are plaguing our planet, but the single most devastating conspiracy that binds all the rest into one GIANT plan is Agenda 21 now known as Agenda 2030. In this episode, we scratch the…

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DTR Ep 376: How To Fight Cancer

Cancer is a man-made condition. The same corporations that poison you control your treatments. The industry is BIG money and the cures and nowhere in sight. In this episode, we review multiple regiments that have proven cures for thousands. Enjoy.

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DTR Ep 327: Global Warming

The scam of Global Warming is nearing its end, however. Society as a whole will need help repelling the lunacy that was the theory that man controls the weather with emissions. Should we clean up the atmosphere? Of course. Should…

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DTR SR: Chemtrail Lung

Television host Rachel Reenstra upon visiting her local Urgent Care stumbles into a doctor who reveals that her illness is what he and his associates call “Chemtrail Lung.” Rachel asks permission to film his answer. She goes on to interview…

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